Optimal Performance Calculator (OPC)
Alpha Weigh-in is required for Wrestlers on official roster and must be completed before competing in any tournament or dual meet. Wrestlers who join our team 2nd semester must be assessed before competing as well.
Optimal Performance Calculator (OPC) is aka...Alpha Weigh-in.
By rule, TEAMS should complete Alpha Weigh-In by November 1st & can begin the first day of classes.
What can I weigh? (click)
Optimal Performance Calculator (OPC) is aka...Alpha Weigh-in.
By rule, TEAMS should complete Alpha Weigh-In by November 1st & can begin the first day of classes.
What can I weigh? (click)
Alpha #1
Wednesday, September 20
Wednesday, September 20
Building H
Varsity room (next to men's locker room)
Varsity room (next to men's locker room)
Assessor- Jan Lauer, HFC Trainer
- Urine Specific Gravity Test (Hydration)
- Skin Fold Tests (x3)
- Triceps
- Subscapular
- Abdominal
- Body weight
***Must be inserted into OPC within 5 days
1.5% per week rule: Fat Loss
1.5% per week Rule: Water Loss
Banned by the NCAA include the use of:
- saunas
- vapor-impermeable suits
- stimulants
- diuretics
- over-heated wrestling facilities
Athletic Trainer Liason
How much should I weigh?
This is a popular question. Below is how to calculate how much you can lose per week (1.5% bodyweight). The first question to ask is, "how many weeks till we compete?". The second question is, "how much bodyfat do you have?".
Take your weight and multiply by .985 to find out how much weight you can lose in one week (1.5%)
138 x .985=135.93
135.93 x .985=133.89
133.89 x .985=131.88
131.88 x .985=129.90
^^^ That's 4 weeks...
Do your own math...
Take your weight and multiply by .985 to find out how much weight you can lose in one week (1.5%)
138 x .985=135.93
135.93 x .985=133.89
133.89 x .985=131.88
131.88 x .985=129.90
^^^ That's 4 weeks...
Do your own math...