Practice #1
Pre-Practice Speech
(5-15 minutes)
Talk about Freestyle neutral strategies and go over rules.
Slip Throws (missed attempt)
Technical Fall
Freestyle Rules
USA Wrestling Rulebook
Talk about Freestyle neutral strategies and go over rules.
- 2 points
- 4 points (Feet to Back)
- 2 points
- 1 point
- 1 point
Slip Throws (missed attempt)
Technical Fall
- 10 point spread
Freestyle Rules
USA Wrestling Rulebook
Warm ups
(9 minutes)
- Run
- Tumble
- Gymnastics
- Movement
- Stance and Motions
- body weight strength exercises
Quick Drills
(21 minutes)
Focus on Doubles & Hi-C’s
Head Outside Takedowns
Focus on Doubles & Hi-C’s
Head Outside Takedowns
- Stalking
- Set ups
- Control Ties
- Loose Ties
(30 minutes)
Gut Wrench: Solo Drill, Gut Wrench, Gut Two Part Drill,
Gut Wrench: Solo Drill, Gut Wrench, Gut Two Part Drill,
Live Wrestling – (30 minutes)
Conditioning – (10 minutes)
Attacking Drills, Sprints, Strength Training and/or other conditioners
Attacking Drills, Sprints, Strength Training and/or other conditioners