Leg Rider Counters
vs. Short leg/Hug ride
- Hip Smash
- Clear farside hand
- Block crossface
- Scoopt hips down & away
- Hi-C
- Crackdown
- Hip heist
- Elevate foot
- Finish w/reversal or backpoints
vs. Short leg/Crossface
- Hip smash
- Block crossface
- Grab wrist & extend
- Wrist to mat
- Head post tripod
- Butt over heels
- Finish w/reversal or backpoints
vs. Short leg/Crossface
- Hip smash
- Block crossface
- Grab wrist
- Wrist over head
- Reverse Headlock
- Hip heist
vs. Short leg/Crossface
- Hip smash
- Block crossface
- Grab wrist
- Wrist over head
- Trap head
- Finish w/Defensive pin
vs. Short leg
- Hip smash
- Scoot down
- Attack the foot
- Grab w/both hands
- Elbow on bone
- Vault
- Hi-C left or right
- Hook shot
- Step over/Step on
vs. Short leg/Power half
- Swisher hips
- Swim outside arm (repeatedly)
- Butt over heels
- Swim inside arm
- Finish w/reversal or backpoints
- Flat on mat- 1 leg
- Knee high
- Build base
- Hip smash
- Get leg lock below knee
- One hip down
- Army crawl
- Flat on mat- 2 legs
- Hip raise
- Transfer over one leg
- Sit to Hip smash
- Changeover
- Eliminate pressure w/changeover
- Kiss your knee
- Grab foot & elevate
- Step on foot
- Press on knee
- Hop out of the box
- Double Changeover
- Block crossface
- Changeover again
- Catch wrist
- Shake & bake
- Escape or reversal
- Hip smash
- Clear leg
- Sit to butt
- Scoot
- Shoot Hi-C
- Hook shot
- Hip smash
- Clear leg
- Sit to butt
- Step over/on foot
- Hip smash
- vs Seatbelt
- Tripod
- Whizzer
- Reversal or backpoints
vs Deep leg/Power half
- Changeover
- Protect face
- Changeover again
- Clear leg
vs Deep leg/Cross body
- Inside switch
- Elbow inside
- Reversal or backpoints
vs. Deep leg/Free leg over
aka...roll city
- Quadpod
- Shoulder roll
- Kick free leg over
aka...roll city
vs. Deep leg/Ankle switch
- Swisher hips
- Grab ankle
- Sit thru
- Switch hands
Terry Steiner Leg counter
- Hip smash
- Stay in tight ball (kiss knee)
- Get leg out (instep)
- Cover leg by stepping over
- Scoot hips down & away
- Crosshand clear underhooks
- Step on foot & arch & big step out
- Always turn towards les
- Hips away
- Hips to side
- Hips on top (vault)