- Did you receive all your gear from Wrestling Addix? If not, call the company at (616)987-3364
- Behavior is communication
- Attendance at practice
- Attendance at competition
- Spartan Duals 1/28
- Great Lakes Conference
- Table workers (9)
- volunteers
- Gym Set up...Friday 5pm
- Ruth ride
- Breakdowns- left to right knee block
- Crossface cradle
- Tilt to cradle
- Push back stand up to knee slide
Varied Resistance Drilling (volume)
-Alternate takedowns
-shut down 1st attack
-Plan B options
-Plan C options
Wrist fighting- 2m
Russian Ties- 2m
Inside Ties- 2m
Underhook Ties- 2m
Stance Maintenance- 2m
Next Competition
Spartan Duals
Saturday, January 28
125- Tyler Bridge, Tomas Diaz
133- Austin Koehler
141- Ahmed Dara
149- David Knapp,
157- Trey Gower, Jeremy Nelson
165- Tyler Johnson
197- Demarey Smith
235- Jordan Haggerty, Cody Tis
285- Darian Holmes
The cost is $10 for this event
Words of Wisdom
The Five C's of Coaching:
1- Clarity
2- Communication
3- Collaboration
4- Commitment
5- Culture