Early birds...
Every wrestler must report his base time to Coach #compete
"I will challenge my teammates to be the best and I expect my teammates to challenge me"
- Balcony Doors open
- Set up/mop mats
- Begin warm ups at 3:25pm
Pre-Practice Speech
- Introduce Tom Brady
- Why Did Gillman Shoot?
- Why Did Gillman Shoot? Final X
- READ: Article
"Despite leading on criteria, Gilman elected to shoot and Fix came away with two points after he stuck out the back door for the win"
- What is match speed?
- 1m goes
- Good for conditioning
"I will strive to perform wrestling skills very well, at speed, under fatigue and under pressure consistently in competition conditions"
Big 3 protocal
1m (a/b)
Match Speed
- SL
- DL
- HC
- Combo’s
Star Drill
1m (a/b)
Match Speed
- Left arm
- Right arm
- Left leg
- Right leg
Takedowns & Transitions
1m (a/b)
Match speed
- 4 point TD's
- 2+2=4
- Any TD to Any NF
- Offense/Offense
- Offense/Defense
- Defense/Offense
- Ride outs
- 30/30
- Loser does 10 push ups
- Far Ankle/Far Ankle
- Head Inside Single
- Head Outside Single
- Seatbelt
Sets of 10
- Squats
- Push ups
- Sit ups
- Burpees
"I will exhaust myself with those who stand beside me for a cause greater than ourselves"