Doors open
Set up/mop mats
Practice is mandatory
CHAMPS is mandatory
- Second competition
- How was your conditioning?
- How was your timing?
- Did you notice a difference?
- Whizzer Open
- Set up gym
- Clean up gym
- Hosting a tournament is a lot of work
Tough tournament
Upperclassman (Juniors & Seniors)
Stalling calls
2nd effort on TD's
Counter offense
Great job riding
CNTR-O Big 3
CNTR-O Leg riding
- 2nd effort TD
- Peek outs
- Drives
- Extensions
- Circle step
- Crosswrist tilt defense
- How to beat forward grinding pressure?
- Tripod stand up
- Sit out
- Leg riding CNTR-O
- Prevention
- Knee slides
- Pinching knees
- Windshield wipe
- Elbows to knees
- Hip smash
- Hands vs Hands
- Feet vs Feet
- Shoot Hi-C
- Prevention
- 50-75% resistance
- No explosive movements
- Work from different positions