- Doors open
- Set up/mop mats
- Start warm ups by 3:25pm
- Practice is mandatory
"I know I will have succeeded as a coach, when HFC Wrestlers unselfishly make personal sacrifices for the TEAM"
- "Get your motor started"
- Independent
- Stab and Reach
- Protect tight waist hand
- Crazy hands
- Sit out
- vs Hook
- vs Flipper
- vs Double hooks
- Hip heist
- Underhook knee slide stand up
- Shadow wrestling-Bottom
- Maintain Base-Standing
- Base Building-Solo
- Base Building-Partner
- Wrists tied (2 on 1)
- Fighting underhooks
- Knee slide- Quadpod
- On feet, no hand control
- On feet, Lifted
- On feet, Getting 1-point
- Prevent leg ride
- Extend
- knees together
- Shin throw
- vs Tight Waist
- vs Tulsa Ride
- vs Bar arm
- vs Chop
- vs Spiral
- vs Ankle
Collegiate matches
1m Takedowns only
30s Top
30s Bottom
- 75% Resistance
- No explosive movements
- Pick different positions to start from
- Practice scrambling
- Jump ropes
- Bear Crawls/Jogging
- Tabata Circuit
- Push ups
- Sit ups
- Burpees
- Planks
- Stance and Motion
- Buddy Carries
- Fireman Carries
Words of Wisdom
Every time you sleep in,
Every time you miss a workout,
Every time you give 99%
Every time you waste a day,
Every time you waste a second.
You make it easier for me to beat you.
Your opponent