- Doors open
- Set up/mop mats
- Begin warm ups at 3:25pm
Pre-Practice Speech
- Figure out your weight class
- Fill out WI form at bottom of page
- Travel TEAM for Adrian Invitational
- Not all will go
- Are you 100%? Progress Reports? Attendance?
- What went right? What went wrong? How was your gas tank?
- Progress Report #3 is due Tuesday!
"Win and lose with class"
- Alternate Takedowns
- Hard cut
- 1pt- FHL
- 1pt- Bodylock
- 1pt- Rear standing
- 1pt- SL/HC/DL elevated
"Handfight to your opponent's legs, head & body"
OT Sudden Victory
1m-Ride outs
- Headgear is mandatory
- Mouthguard is mandatory (if braces)
- 100% effort & intensity
100 Push ups
100 Sit ups
300 reps as a TEAM!
Next Competition
Saturday, November 2