- Doors open
- Set up/mop mats
- Start warm ups by 3:25pm
- Practice is mandatory
- Welcome to Week 2 (of 20)
- It's a marathon, not a sprint
- Focus on goals
- Focus on continuous improvement
- Be a student of the sport
- "Get your motor started"
- Independent
- Shadow wrestling-Bottom
- Maintain Base-Standing
- Base Building-Solo
- Base Building-Partner
- Wrists tied (2 on 1)
- Fighting underhooks
- Knee slide- Quadpod
- On feet, no hand control
- On feet, Lifted
- On feet, Getting 1-point
- Prevent leg ride
- Extend
- knees together
- Shin throw
- vs Tight Waist
- vs Tulsa Ride
- vs Bar arm
- vs Chop
- vs Spiral
- vs Ankle
- Escapes from Feet
- Stab and Reach
- Protect tightwaist hand
2-2-2 (x3)
HS matches
Bottom position- Stand up
- Inside leg
- Outside leg
- Knee slide
- Feet first
- Explosive vs Post-tension
All week long, we will learn HWS Bottom position
Jump rope
Bear Crawl/Jog
Buddy Carries
Fireman Carries
Tabata Circuit
- Push ups
- Sit ups
- Burpees
- Planks
Blue vs White
It's important to have a singlet for this event (and Fall Brawl). Our HFC singlets will arrive in November.