We can make any changes you want.
Gym set up is Saturday, November 10 at 8pm!
Whizzer Open
Sunday, November 11
Doors open at 8am
Weigh-ins begin at 9am
Wrestling will start at 10:30am
Head Table- Judy Lawrence
Collecting Entry Fees ($30)
Update Wall charts each round
Selling T-Shirts- Sharon Berry
Hospitality Room- Mrs. Traice Sandzik
Coffee, donuts
Biggby Coffee
3389 Greenfield Rd
Dearborn, MI
(313) 982-1100
500 oz coffee (50 cups)
**must be pre-ordered 24 hours in advance
Coffee cups, cream, sugar
2 dozen donuts (anywhere)
Pizza, pop, cookies, chips
Napkins, coffee cups, red solos cups, 2-litres, paper plates
Jimmy John's
16201 Ford Rd
Dearborn, MI
30 piece Sandwich platter (10 sandwiches)
Feeds about 15 people
Must be ordered by Friday for pick up Sunday at 11am
Pizza Place
18706 Ford Rd
Detroit, MI
Opens at 11am
Microphone- Mr. Scott McCoy
National Anthem, announcing, warm up music
Door assistance- Mrs. Wendy McCoy
Security-Chris Madera
Also, empty garbage cans when full & replace with fresh bags
Ice bags & Water stations-Brad Speen
Leaders at each mat
Samer Shebak- mat 2
Max Sandzik- mat 3
Leaders will make sure Table Workers are taken care of. We should have 3 high school kids at each mat (score clock, tapper, assistant)
Computer Help- Mr. Jim Speen?
Computers/Monitors matside
Troubleshooting Internet problems
Computer skills